Founder's Day Celebration
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville celebrated its Founders' Day and the birthday of Rector Dr. Bill Breedlove on August 23 in traditional Good Shepherd fashion: by sharing a meal while socializing, and then discussing ways to improve the community.
Good Shepherd was organized as a mission congregation on September 9, 1955 and since then has grown and flourished. To celebrate the church's heritage and to kick off fall programs, Kathy and Kanute Rarey from the Parish Life Committee planned a Low Country Shrimp Boil in the Parish Hall, with the cooking done by a team of parishioners led by Kurt Hoffman and Jim Redmond. After eating and enjoying fellowship, parishioners settled down to hear the speaker invited by Suzi Herbert from the Adult Formation Committee.
The guest speaker was the Reverend Dr. Bruce Morgan, a retired Baptist minister and adjunct professor of religion at Brenau University in Gainesville, Georgia. Dr. Morgan's talk was titled “Old Camel Knees and the Wolf of Wall Street.” He challenged the parishioners to educate themselves about the needs of children and families in our community. In his words, “When we can truly see the haunting faces of hunger, we realize the wolf is not far away.” But he emphasized that God will find co-workers such as the congregations of Good Shepherd and other churches and organizations to help in His work to improve children's lives.