I am grateful for so many reasons. The past sixteen months of Covid-19 have brought forth opportunity after opportunity for our church members to express creative ways of being the people of God here at church and in the community. We are a flexible and adaptive bunch. I am grateful for all those who have been a great help to me and to others as we carried on with worship of God and service to others. So many of you pitched in where you could, doing things that you had not done before, and showing a willingness to serve wherever and however that might be helpful toward creating opportunities for us to gather here at church and to bring the grace of God to people beyond our parish. I am grateful.
I am grateful for the generosity you have shown with your time, talent, and treasure. Many of you have continued to give generously of your time to take good care of our church building and grounds. While there was less use of our physical resources those always require care and maintenance. And I am grateful to those who continued to support this parish financially. I understand that some have been unhappy with the rules under which we have operated during this pandemic and I understand that unhappiness can be expressed in a number of ways including redirecting your treasure to another organization. May God be blessed and God bless you for your generosity however and wherever expressed.
I am grateful for our Bishop. The ministry of a bishop is to be the chief pastor of a diocese. In our case, that means that Bishop Jose has the care of over fourteen thousand souls in his hands in addition to the management of the diocese in all its mission and ministry. Having spent time with him on many occasions, I can say that he takes seriously his role as pastor. His care is sincere and deep. I have not always agreed with his decisions, but I do not doubt that he is doing what he prayerfully discerns he is called to do to safeguard those under his care. I am sure this past sixteen months has been hard on him and I am grateful that he has carried the burden with grace and good humor.
I am grateful for your church staff and your vestry. They have served under difficult and frequently changing circumstances and always with a good spirit. May God bless the souls of those who took a voluntary furlough. By their sacrifice and your generosity we have been able to meet all our expenses during this time without the external financial help that other organizations have required.
I am especially grateful for Tawanna for moving her workplace into her home and managing to do a great job while working remotely. While there have been many jokes and funny videos shared about how people have been working remotely, like working all day in the pajamas or only dressing from the waist up, I do know something from my former academic career of how isolating and stressful working from home can actually be.
Your vestry has been nothing but supportive and wise. I am grateful that they have so carefully led during this time and I deeply regret that their time on the vestry has not been, in my guess, as spiritual and as gratifying as their predecessors have reported. May God restore the years that the virus has taken (Joel 2:25, sort of).
Please know that I am grateful for the many ways I trust you have been a faithful follower of Christ in ways known and ways unknown. God alone is the beginning and the end of all good, and God alone is our witness. So, wherever you are and whatever you decide, whether to return or to stay home or to move on, know that I am grateful for the good that God does for you and through you. It has been days, and weeks, and months of grace. May God continue to bless you and all of God’s people.
God’s holiness be yours,
Fr. Bill+