Save the Date and Mark Your Calendars
The second annual Silent Auction / Parade of Tables plans are underway. We need help. Check your attics and cellars for those fine items you no longer need or use. We need those items to auction. We will need table hosts to decorate their tables. More news will be forthcoming. We look forward to another exciting event at Good Shepherd. Make plans to join in the fun.
Parade of Tables Hosts Needed
Please sign-up on the Hallway bulletin board sheet to host a table on May 16 at our Parade of Tables Dinner. Hosting is fun. You can choose a theme and decorate your table including all dinnerware for 8 people. Good Shepherd provides the food and drinks. Contact Pat Jordan with any questions.
Silent Auction
We are requesting special donated items for our Silent Auction to be held as part of the Parade of Tables Dinner on Friday, May 16 in the parish hall. Handmade items including jewelry, fabric arts and paintings, dinner certificates and other “fine” items will be joyfully accepted after all church services or by appointment between April 13 and May 4. (No flea market items, please.) Contact Joy Fox with any questions and to pre-register a donation.
More information about last year's Parade of Tables and Silent Auction can be found here.