
The GPS (navigation system) in my prior automobile was a portable device, not integrated to the car itself. I had it precariously mounted on the dashboard where I could hear directions, rather than try to focus on a screen the size of a credit card, while trying to stay alive and not be a hazard on the road.

I have since ditched that system, but I have carried with me, and found myself using, a feature of that system. RECALCULATING was the voice that sounded when I missed a turn or turned the wrong way. What is important here is that the voice did not say, “You stupid idiot; I told you where to turn.” Recalculating is non judgmental, and the system is assuming the responsibility to fix the situation.

I like to see this as at least somewhat congruent with “Your sins are forgiven.” In no way am I saying that a navigation system is equal to the grace of God. But what I am observing is that each enables me to feel affirmed and enabled to go forward, despite my mistakes or my sins. Each of us wants to feel valued, loved, and cared for, as opposed to feeling criticized, rejected, or condemned.

So now I hear, not my prior navigation system, but the Holy Spirit say to me, recalculating. I may have, metaphorically, missed a turn or gone the wrong way, but I am empowered by God’s grace to go forward. And that navigation system will, I am certain, guide me to my destinations, both intermediate and final.

Happy navigating, Bev+