The Adult Formation and Parish Life Committees are sponsoring a Founders’ Day Dinner with guest speaker the Rev. Dr. Bruce Morgan on August 23 at 6:00 pm. Dr. Morgan’s presentation will focus on how we as a parish might work together and with other
denominations in our two counties to address the needs of children from a social justice perspective. His presentation will be followed by questions and answers. Dr. Morgan is a retired minister and an adjunct professor of religion at Brenau University in Gainesville GA.
Dinner will be a Low Country Shrimp Boil. Reservations will be required for the event because of a need to plan seating space and food. Look for more details in the bulletin and weekly Highlights and sign up in the hallway.
Why Founders’ Day? Good Shepherd was organized as a mission congregation on September 9, 1955. The committees are planning this as an annual event to kickoff the fall programs and to celebrate our heritage.