2025 Vestry

The governing board of the parish consists of nine elected lay persons. Each serves as a liaison to Parish ministries. Senior and Junior Wardens are nominated by the Rector and elected by the Vestry as lay leaders.

Senior Warden

David Gribble
Vestry Leadership, Finance Committee, Mountain of Faith

Junior Warden, building and grounds

Phil Cox
Buildings and Grounds, Kitchen and Coffee Hour

administration ministries

Tawanna Dutton
Communications, Office Volunteers, Ministry Scheduler, Church Policies and By-Laws

arts & CRAFTS ministries

Betsi Wilson
Arts and Spirituality Committee, Craft Group, Knitting and Prayer Shawl Group

discipleship ministries

Pam Roman
Adult Education, Order of St George Breakfast, Brotherhood of the Fire, Youth Group

WORSHIP ministries

Jeff King
Choir, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Ushers & Greeters, Videographers

outreach ministries

Aline Conley
Outreach Committee, Ingles Card Program, Meals for Friends, DeSoto Square, Blood Drive, Bethel-Guidry Scholarship Golf Tournament, Ledford Chapel Boat Ramp Ministry

PARISH LIFE ministries

Jose Arias
Parish Life Events, Exercise Groups, Adult Recreational Groups, Grazers, Newcomers

Pastoral Care

Patti Brownlee
Bereavement Hospitality, Birthday Card and Cakes Ministry, Meal Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry

  • Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Intercessors, Eucharistic Visitors, and Coffee Hour are under Fr. Bill’s charge