How to Request a Prayer

At Good Shepherd there are a number of different ways that we pray for people in need and they are managed by different ministries within the church:

Prayer Chain:

This is a group of people dedicated to praying for individuals who are experiencing physical, spiritual or emotional problems. New prayer requests are communicated to members of the Prayer Chain via email. Prayers can be initiated by phoning the church office, via email to Tawanna Dutton, or the form to the left. When requesting prayer for someone else, please make sure that you have the permission of the person for whom you are requesting prayer. State that clearly in your request and then state the nature of the prayer request. (i.e., John Doe requests prayers for successful cataract surgery that is scheduled for next Tuesday and for a quick recovery)

Sunday Prayers of the People:

Parishioners, friends and family can be added to the (intercessory) Prayers of the People list that is used in our weekly worship. Prayers can be initiated by calling the church office or entering the request in the Intercessory Prayer list, which is kept in a notebook in the narthex. Again, please make sure that you have the permission of the person for whom you are requesting prayer.

Good Shepherd HEaling Ministry Prayers:

Good Shepherd Healing Ministers conducts a weekly soaking prayer service every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. The service lasts about 45 minutes with opening prayers, a short devotional, soaking prayer time for healing and closing prayers. Attendees write prayer requests on a card, which is used to focus prayers. As attendees pray quietly throughout the prayer time, two prayer ministers read the card, lay on hands and pray for the Holy Spirit to heal the attendee as requested on the card. Thus “soaking” the attendee with prayer for the duration of the service.

On Wednesday at noon a Eucharist with healing prayer is offered at the church. A short Eucharist service is followed by laying on of hands for those who come forward to the altar rail after the service. 

Finally, the Order of St Luke (with which many members of Good Shepherd Healining ministry ar associated) hosts an annual healing conference each fall at a convention center at Lake Junaluska, called Healing Winds. A nationally known healing speaker presents a variety of seminars and healing activities along with time for intensive prayer team sessions over a two-day period. Attendees stay at the facility hotel with meals provided and engage in an intensive weekend of healing of mind, body and spirit with all in attendance. See for more information.