Memorial Garden
Sanford Freeman
Assists Fr. Bill and the grieving family in the selection and preparation of a resting place for the ashes of the loved one. Aid with chores connected with any gardening endeavor is always needed and appreciated. One need not be an "official" member of any committee to "garden."
Mountain of Faith
Dave Smucker
The Mountain of Faith Endowment was established in 2002 by resolution of the Vestry. Its purpose is to enable the parish to more completely fulfill its mission through development and enhancement of the parish properties and ministries beyond what is possible through annual operating monies.
Recycling Ministry
Phil Cox
The recycling ministry engages in stewardship of creation by managing the collection of recyclable materials at church and making timely transfers of those materials to a recycling center.”
Amy and Gil Nicolson
Energy Saving Volunteers is founded on the idea that if we help people save energy, we can both protect God's Creation and help God's people. We visit homes of people that face high energy bills and have limited financial ability or knowledge on ways to reduce their energy consumption. We know the tricks of the trade to get bills down through simple energy saving solutions such as efficient lighting, weather stripping, changing water heater temperatures, adding insulation, reducing water consumption and many others. All of our labor is volunteer and our supplies are provided through donations. Our services are no charge, although for some higher cost items, we work out cost sharing arrangements with our clients and local contractors or equipment providers.
Annual Stewardship Campaign Team, Vestry Liaison to Stewardship, and Senior Warden
“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Responsible for encouraging parishioners to contribute to the Church both financially and with their time and talents. A major communication program generally takes place during the month of August.
Begins in knowing we are the Children of God.
Affirms God's ownership.
Demonstrates our relationship with God.
Continues the sharing of God's love and grace.
Celebrates God's invitation for us to be partners with Him.
Grows on God's hope-always forward thinking.
Links passion with ministry.