Daughters of the King
12:30 PM12:30

Daughters of the King

All current members of the Daughters of the King and all interested in learning more about this fellowship of women who support the mission of the church through prayer and service are invited to meet with Fr Bill for lunch in the undercroft on Sunday, March 2nd. This will be an organizational meeting as we move forward restarting and revitalizing the Daughters of the King at Good Shepherd. All interested women are welcome.

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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
5:00 PM17:00

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tickets for the annual pancake supper on Tuesday, March 4th will be on sale beginning Sunday, February 23. Tickets are $8 each for ages 12+ (or at the Saint Dave Smucker special price of 2 for $20 for adults!), $4 each for ages 0-11. Join us on Tuesday, March 4th 5:00-7:00pm, for pancakes, sausage, apple sauce, coffee and juice as we raise funds to support our Good Shepherd youth ministry.

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5:00 PM17:00


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Lenten Supper Series 2025
Wednesday in Lent at 5:00 PM

“American culture, which pits self-fulfillment against self-sacrifice, [will] produce revenge or withdrawal as a response to any mistreatment. . . . In such a culture, forgiveness is seen as self-hating, and revenge and anger are considered authentic.” - Tim Keller
“If you believe the gospel – that you are saved by sheer grace and the free forgiveness of God – and you still hold a grudge — at the very least it shows that you are blocking the actual effect of the gospel in your life, or you’re kidding yourself and perhaps you don’t believe the gospel at all.” - Tim Keller

What is the mission of the Church? The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. So answers the Book of Common Prayer to the question of our mission as members of the body of Christ. We are in the mending, healing, bridge building, reconciliation business.
Saint Paul, in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, makes this missional directive explicit stating that as God has reconciled the world to himself through Christ, we as ambassadors of Christ and bearers of the message of reconciliation are to be reconcilers. Where there is injury we are to seek justice with forgiveness and mercy. In a time when victimhood, grievance, resentment, bullying, revenge, and aggressive language and action have taken over public and private discourse, followers of Christ have much work to do.

March 12 Stories of Forgiving

March 19 The Love, Mercy, and Justice of God

March 26 To Be Forgiven

April 2 To Forgive Others

April 9 The Ministry of Reconciliation

Dinner of soup, salad and bread begins at 5:00 PM. Your donations are welcome.

This course is led by Fr. Bill.

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Ann Woodford Guest
12:30 PM12:30

Ann Woodford Guest

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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To recognize and honor Black History Month, we are pleased to display nine posters from the collection of Ann Miller Woodford which provide a history of African Americans in far Western North Carolina. The posters will be on display through the month of February which is designated as National Black History Month.

Ann Woodford - artist, author, community activist, historian and speaker - is a native of Andrews in Cherokee County. She has shared the history of African Americans with groups throughout our region. Ann will be our guest at Coffee Hour on Sunday, February 23rd. Please allow some time to view the poster display in our Parish Hall.

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Spaghetti Dinner
5:00 PM17:00

Spaghetti Dinner

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Save the Date, Bring a Date-  In February, we are "Spreading Love
Through Outreach”. Three of our ministries (Parish Life, Greeters, and
Outreach) are joining forces to help raise funds for Outreach & will
host a Spaghetti Dinner in the parish hall at 5:00pm. Come join us on
Saturday, February 15th, for an evening of fellowship, music, wine, a
silent auction and some delicious food- spaghetti and meatballs, garlic
bread, salad and deserts! There is a $10.00 donation per person, payable
by cash or check ONLY.

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Lord Teach Us to Pray
12:00 PM12:00

Lord Teach Us to Pray

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this series, we will learn about prayer and how to pray using the Book of Common Prayer and by practicing some of the more commonly used prayer practices of the Christian Church. All who are interested in refreshing their prayer life and all interested in adding some prayer forms to their prayer toolbox are encouraged to participate. We will meet in the nave. At 12pm This gathering is led by Fr. Bill.

January 6 Morning Prayer
January 13 Noonday Prayer
January 20 Evening Prayer
January 27 Compline
February 3 Guided Meditation
February 10 Lectio Divina

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Souper Bowl Sunday
12:30 PM12:30

Souper Bowl Sunday

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Please come to enjoy a bowl of homemade soup during Coffee Hour after the late service (before the big game)! We will have Vegetable Beef and Tomato Basil Bisque to choose from. There will also be an abundance of saltine crackers.

Please bring with you an offering of dry soup packages (Raman, Knorr, soup bowls, etc…). Please bring packaged food that can be prepared only with boiling water. Kitchen space and equipment is limited at the shelter. These dried soups can be stacked in a cabinet and used as needed quickly, without much fuss, and no extra ingredients. “Soup”er Bowl Sunday was huge success last year! The Hurlbert Johnson Homeless Shelter was most grateful for the soup. We can arrange auditions for anyone interested in helping with the half time show. Questions? Contact Kathy Wright.

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9:00 AM09:00

Black History Month

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

To recognize and honor Black History Month, we are pleased to display nine posters from the collection of Ann Miller Woodford which provide a history of African Americans in far Western North Carolina. The posters will be on display through the month of February which is designated as National Black History Month.

Ann Woodford - artist, author, community activist, historian and speaker - is a native of Andrews in Cherokee County. She has shared the history of African Americans with groups throughout our region. Ann will be our guest at Coffee Hour on Sunday, February 23rd. Please allow some time to view the poster display in our Parish Hall.

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Lord Teach Us to Pray
12:00 PM12:00

Lord Teach Us to Pray

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this series, we will learn about prayer and how to pray using the Book of Common Prayer and by practicing some of the more commonly used prayer practices of the Christian Church. All who are interested in refreshing their prayer life and all interested in adding some prayer forms to their prayer toolbox are encouraged to participate. We will meet in the nave. At 12pm This gathering is led by Fr. Bill.

January 6 Morning Prayer
January 13 Noonday Prayer
January 20 Evening Prayer
January 27 Compline
February 3 Guided Meditation
February 10 Lectio Divina

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Lord Teach Us to Pray
12:00 PM12:00

Lord Teach Us to Pray

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this series, we will learn about prayer and how to pray using the Book of Common Prayer and by practicing some of the more commonly used prayer practices of the Christian Church. All who are interested in refreshing their prayer life and all interested in adding some prayer forms to their prayer toolbox are encouraged to participate. We will meet in the nave. At 12pm This gathering is led by Fr. Bill.

January 6 Morning Prayer
January 13 Noonday Prayer
January 20 Evening Prayer
January 28 TUESDAY Compline
February 3 Guided Meditation
February 10 Lectio Divina

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Lord Teach Us to Pray
12:00 PM12:00

Lord Teach Us to Pray

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this series, we will learn about prayer and how to pray using the Book of Common Prayer and by practicing some of the more commonly used prayer practices of the Christian Church. All who are interested in refreshing their prayer life and all interested in adding some prayer forms to their prayer toolbox are encouraged to participate. We will meet in the nave. At 12pm This gathering is led by Fr. Bill.

January 6 Morning Prayer
January 13 Noonday Prayer
January 20 Evening Prayer
January 28 TUESDAY Compline
February 3 Guided Meditation
February 10 Lectio Divina

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12:00 PM12:00

Voting for Vestry Concludes

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Voting for vestry positions will conclude January 19th. Absentee ballots must be received at the church by 1:00 PM Sunday, January 19, 2025 to be counted. You may send your ballot back via US Mail or hand deliver it. Either way, we must have your ballot by 1:00 PM on Sunday, January 19, 2025 for your vote to be counted.

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Lord Teach Us to Pray
12:00 PM12:00

Lord Teach Us to Pray

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this series, we will learn about prayer and how to pray using the Book of Common Prayer and by practicing some of the more commonly used prayer practices of the Christian Church. All who are interested in refreshing their prayer life and all interested in adding some prayer forms to their prayer toolbox are encouraged to participate. We will meet in the nave. At 12pm This gathering is led by Fr. Bill.

January 6 Morning Prayer
January 13 Noonday Prayer
January 20 Evening Prayer
January 27 Compline
February 3 Guided Meditation
February 10 Lectio Divina

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Lessons and Carols
2:30 PM14:30

Lessons and Carols

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on Sunday, December 22nd at the 11:00 am service for Christmas Lessons and Carols. In preparation for Christmas Day, we will read, hear, sing, and celebrate God's promise of a savior fulfilled at the birth of Jesus Christ. Our worship that day will be followed by our annual cookie exchange. We invite all to bring cookies to share. See the tables set up in the parish hall that day.

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Rescheduled Blood Drive
12:30 PM12:30

Rescheduled Blood Drive

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Attention Blood Donors: The Red Cross Blood Drive which was scheduled for September 25th has now been rescheduled for Wednesday, December 11th from 12:30 - 5:30 pm. You may sign up now to donate blood at 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or redcrossblood.org.

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10:00 AM10:00

Advent Quiet Day

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Our parish is offering women the opportunity to spend some set-aside time in the reflective Advent Quiet Day, December 7th, 10:00-12:00, in the parish hall at church. This will be an opportunity for you to bring Christmas cards you wish to write and get ready for mailing. The morning will be one of quiet, with soft background music and a few meditations shared over the course of the morning. At noon, we will reconfigure the room to share a pot-luck lunch and enjoy the hospitality of the company of each other.

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Newcomers Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Newcomers Lunch

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Newcomers lunch- Sunday December 1st at 12:30pm with Father Bill. New church family members are invited to attend this personal welcoming event with Father Bill in the undercroft after second service. Lunch will be provided, please come join us.

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Creche Display
8:30 AM08:30

Creche Display

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Advent is the season during the Church year when we anticipate the coming of Jesus, as a baby, in a manger. The Arts and Spirituality Ministry would like to celebrate the First Sunday of Advent by offering a creche exhibit in the parish hall of those tableaus normally ‘living’ with parishioners.

Perhaps you have a creche that has special meaning to your family; or perhaps you have one that was a special gift or one that you discovered on a trip that you would like to share with our parish family. Each creche will be labeled with the name of the owner and its origin or special significance. We’d love to have several to exhibit, so please consider lending us your creche for display as we celebrate this special Season.

We will be setting up the parish hall and collecting creche for the exhibit on Saturday, November 30. The parish hall will be open for parishioners to see the display on Sunday morning December 1, from 8:30am through Coffee Hour after the 11:00 service. Each individual creche may be picked up after 1:00pm on Sunday, December 1.

Please contact Joy Fox or Kathy Marcel for more information or if you have a creche you would like to loan for the one-day exhibit. Watch for more details regarding set up in November’s Weekly Highlights.

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Smoked Turkey Breasts
12:00 PM12:00

Smoked Turkey Breasts

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wally Figura will be smoking turkey breasts for Thanksgiving! A sign-up sheet will be posted if you would like to order one. They will be 8-10 lbs. You may pick-up on Thanksgiving Day between 12pm-1pm. Price will be $30.00. Please call Wally Figura with any questions.

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Thanksgiving Dinner
11:00 AM11:00

Thanksgiving Dinner

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My goodness! It’s almost that time again. Where has the year gone? Time to start remembering and planning!!! Remembering is one of the best parts of Thanksgiving; family, friends, even strangers, one way or another; we have had it all at Good Shepherd.

I remember one Thanksgiving when a woman walked in and asked if she could join us. She seemed unhappy and I was so glad to be able to say “of course, won’t you sit with my husband and me?” She later told us that she had had a very difficult week and just got in the car and started to drive. She saw all the cars parked and came up the hill to see what was going on. This was the first Thanksgiving she had ever had alone. She left a bit lighter in spirit and certainly not hungry with a new understanding about being thankful. I don’t remember her name, she was not from around here; I am so glad she had us in her life for a while and that I had her in my life.

I remember my first Thanksgiving at Good Shepherd. We had been attending Good Shepherd for several years. Then the last of the kids went off to college. Empty nest. I really did not want them coming home in the holiday traffic and they all got invitations to dinner with friends. There was no way the two of us could eat all I wanted to cook. For a couple of years we actually went out to eat. Then we decided to give Good Shepherd a try. Dave Smucker was reigning over the kitchen. The food was great and we had a good time. We helped clean up. Later I asked if I could help cook. Dave set me to work and taught me what was involved. After 2 years he handed the sauce spoon over to me and I started “doing” Thanksgiving at church. I have never regretted it nor enjoyed an afternoon nap more.

It never ever occurred to me that there could be a carry out Thanksgiving Dinner; especially not at church. Covid taught me differently. I think those 2 Thanksgivings were some of the best I have ever celebrated. Mili and I changed the menu slightly, and talked about what kind of packaging we should use and set it up. Because of Covid restrictions we cut down on the kitchen staff. When the pick-up day approached I called for help to package and hand out the meals. I was thinking of 3 or 4 people. The response was overwhelming. 28 people volunteered. When I figured out the people were so hungry for “church” and that’s why so many volunteered I said OK to everyone. I figured if all each of them did was put one meal in an Ingles bag that was OK. We could all have our masks in place and remember to bump fists instead of hug, we could do church. We went to the service that was being broadcast, sat well apart from each other, and were served communion. What a happy day!!

Each year the Good Shepherd Thanksgiving dinner is a joy to prepare and wonderful to attend. The beautiful decorations, the scrumptious deserts, and the smells emanating from the kitchen, make this a wonderful Church Family celebration. We are ready to do it again this year and we need your help!

As always, the Parish Life Ministry will provide the turkey (4 twenty pounders), ham (2 spiral cut), mashed potatoes (25 pounds of potatoes), gravy (gallons), bread dressing (4 large packages of Pepperidge Farm), and a wild rice stuffing. We also will have the usual drinks, including some Wassail Punch (non-alcoholic), and some wine. And last but not least, enough cool whip to top your deserts. We need you to fill out the rest of the meal.

If you plan to attend please sign up and give us an idea of what side dish and/or desert you plan to bring. We really need you to sign up because we need to know how many places to set and if maybe we need yet another turkey. It just makes sense to sign up so we will be well prepared to feed you. When you do sign up, you will have an opportunity to list what you want to bring. This makes sense too. After all, though we are grateful for whatever comes, we really won’t need a dozen green bean casseroles and no pie on the desert table.

We also need help to set up and clean up. We have streamlined the cooking so much that we don’t need as many people doing the cooking during the week. We do need folks to be there greeting attendees, taking food, and slicing pies and cakes; two very important jobs. Sign-up sheets will be in the hallway in a week or so.

Questions? Call or email Mili Arias or Kathy Wright. Numbers and addresses are in the church directory. -Kathy Wright, Mili Arias, and the Parish Life Ministry

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Ingathering Sunday
9:00 AM09:00

Ingathering Sunday

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Sunday, November 17 is designated as Ingathering Sunday, the day when we will present our pledge and time and talent cards to the Lord for his blessing and multiplying. If possible, please have your pledge and time talent cards returned for that service. We will celebrate that day with a lunch hosted by your vestry. They invite your side food item or dessert to share.

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12:00 PM12:00

Walking the Mourner's Path

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Walking the Mourner's Path- this gathering on Mondays at noon in November and December is for those who have lost a loved one. It is to remember and share with others your walk with grief. "Grief never ends... but it changes. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith... It is the price of love." (Borrowed from Lessons Learned in Life)

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Cancer Support Group
4:00 PM16:00

Cancer Support Group

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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The Cancer Support Group meets on the third Tuesday ech month. Our next meeting will be November 19th at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall. We are hoping to offer support to those on the journey of dealing with, surviving, and/or caring for someone with cancer. Bring something to share in thoughts, ideas, and of course some food. Contact Jose Arias by email if you can’t attend in person but would like to be part of the meeting by zoom: jose_m_arias@hotmail.com

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Let's Zentangle!
10:00 AM10:00

Let's Zentangle!

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Zentngle is an easy-to-learn drawing method that’s relaxing (Zen) and a fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns called “tangles”. Our own Kaye TeRonde will lead a Christmas ornament class in Zentangle on Saturday, October 26th, from 10:00 am—3:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Class is sponsored by Good Shepherd’s Arts & Spirituality Ministry.

Class size is limited to 20 and all are invited to sign-up before October 19th in the hallway. Fee is $10.00 per person, with all supplies and lunch provided.

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Grazers Kick-Off
6:00 PM18:00

Grazers Kick-Off

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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What is Grazers, you ask? Well, Grazers is a fun way to get to know your fellow parishioners and keep up to date on what is going on at Good Shepherd. Groups of 6-8 meet for dinner at each other’s homes (once a month for typically four months). Each participant brings a dish to create the meal.

On Saturday, September 28, we will have a Grazers Kickoff at the Lanwermeyer’s Staurolite Barn from 4-6pm. Bring a favorite dish to share along with your beverage of choice. We’ll tell you all about Grazers and those who wish may sign up for individual Grazers groups to finish out the year for October, November and December. We will begin anew in January with signups for new groups for January, February, March and April.

Come join the fun! We’ll see you on the 28th! Directions will be posted on the bulletin board in the hallway

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Be Transformed: Healing Winds Conference
to Sep 29

Be Transformed: Healing Winds Conference

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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The Good Shepherd Healing ministry originally planned a healing workshop for July, which had to be postponed. In its place we recommend an excellent opportunity to experience healing and receive training for healing ministry. The 30th Healing Winds Conference, begun around 1995 by Rev. John Rice, is September 27-29, and this year it will be combined with the 2024 OSL North America Conference, drawing participants from around the country and the world. The conference is held at the beautiful Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center in Waynesville, NC and is sponsored by three regional chapters of the Order of St. Luke.

At the last moment this year's guest speaker had to cancel due to surgery. The new keynote speaker will be Mark Rutland, Ph.D., a New York Times best-selling author, educator, charismatic leader, businessman and a nationally recognized figure in Christian higher education. He is the executive director of the National Institute of Christian Leadership and founder of Global Servants, having served previously as the pastor of a megachurch and president of two universities. Rutland and his wife, Alison, established House of Grace in Chiang Rai, Thailand, and Kumasi, Ghana, to protect tribal girls from sex trafficking through Global Servants. Since 1986 House of Grace has been “saving little girls for big destinies.” Its work in West Africa, largely in remote villages, has built churches and village hygiene services in five countries.


The conference will retain its same successful format, combining teaching, workshops, corporate and individual prayer for physical and inner healing, generational healing Eucharist, fellowship, beautiful scenery and more! Twenty-four healing teams are prepared to pray with you, and the Soaking Prayer Chapel provides a space for quiet meditation with a live harpist. Six unique workshops (of which you may take two) are listed on the website, as well as a full schedule of events in case you cannot attend the full three days. There is a hard copy of this information in the hallway on the Healing Prayer bulletin board.

But don't delay! To register and to book rooms and meals at the conference center (a two-step process), go to healingwindsosl.org and follow the links. Learn more about OSL at osltoday.org, For more information contact Harry or Rachel Baughn, or Kay Covode, con ference convener, skbcovode@hotmail.com 828-389-8384.

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Blood Drive -
12:30 PM12:30

Blood Drive -

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
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Attention all Blood Donors: Good Shepherd will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, September 25th from 12:30 - 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Please save this date and make plans now to donate here at Good Shepherd. Thanks for your continued support of the Red Cross.

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Bethel-Guidry Golf Tournament
9:00 AM09:00

Bethel-Guidry Golf Tournament

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Save the Date! Saturday, Sept. 21st is the date of the annual Bethel-Guidry Scholarship Golf Tournament. Two students will receive a 4 year award worth $10,000 in total. Please help us with your donation marked: “Golf Tournament” and mailed or brought by the church. We will be collecting at weekly services in a few weeks also. We also need volunteers for the day of the event. See Kevin Conley or Sanford Freeman with questions.

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