Good Shepherd will once again have a booth at this event on the Square! Gnarly Fingers will be entertaining from 7pm – 9pm! Come on out! Dwain Zagrocki A/K/A DR. Z. will be bringing his portable ultra sound unit so the children may view the insides of their dogs! The children will also be able to look into the ears of their dogs and listen to their heartbeats! Fr. Bill will be doing the Pet Blessing.
We are providing a watering station for the pets and will be handing out goodie bags (with our business cards attached) to the participants. What is missing? Two things: 1) DOGGIE TREATS: We would really appreciate doggie treats to put into goodie bags {please put them in the bucket after the Country Fare) and 2) VOLUNTEERS to fill the bags (Sat 8/27 @ 10:00am, Undercroft) and the day of the event (Sat 9/17 2pm – 7pm). Carole Stringer is coordinating this event. 828-360-2995.