During January and February, Father Bill offered a series of classes entitled, "Lord, Teach Us To Pray," where he shared how we might pray using the Book of Common Prayer as well as some of the commonly used prayer practices of the Christian Church. The purpose of these classes was to encourage us to strengthen our prayer practices and to refresh our prayer life.
To continue with the theme of enhancing prayer life, the Adult Spiritual Formation and the Arts and Spirituality Ministries will offer two Anglican Prayer Bead Workshops in March. You will have the opportunity to create your own strand of prayer beads and learn how to pray with them to incorporate them into your daily prayer life. The emphasis of the class will be on prayer rather than craft. Father Bill will provide instruction on the use of the prayer beads.
The workshops will be limited to 15 participants each and there will be sign up sheets on the Bulletin Board in the hallway beginning March 2, 2025. The cost will be $10.00 which includes all supplies and refreshments (a light lunch following the morning session and a tea following the afternoon workshop).
The first workshop will be Tuesday, March 18th from 1:30 - 3:30 pm. The second workshop will be Thursday, March 20th from 10:00 am - noon. All participants are asked to bring a small towel to use at your work space. Contact Kathy Wright for further information or if you have questions.