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  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 495 Herbert Hills Dr Hayesville, NC, 28904 (map)

Lenten Supper Series 2025
Wednesday in Lent at 5:00 PM

“American culture, which pits self-fulfillment against self-sacrifice, [will] produce revenge or withdrawal as a response to any mistreatment. . . . In such a culture, forgiveness is seen as self-hating, and revenge and anger are considered authentic.” - Tim Keller
“If you believe the gospel – that you are saved by sheer grace and the free forgiveness of God – and you still hold a grudge — at the very least it shows that you are blocking the actual effect of the gospel in your life, or you’re kidding yourself and perhaps you don’t believe the gospel at all.” - Tim Keller

What is the mission of the Church? The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. So answers the Book of Common Prayer to the question of our mission as members of the body of Christ. We are in the mending, healing, bridge building, reconciliation business.
Saint Paul, in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, makes this missional directive explicit stating that as God has reconciled the world to himself through Christ, we as ambassadors of Christ and bearers of the message of reconciliation are to be reconcilers. Where there is injury we are to seek justice with forgiveness and mercy. In a time when victimhood, grievance, resentment, bullying, revenge, and aggressive language and action have taken over public and private discourse, followers of Christ have much work to do.

March 12 Stories of Forgiving

March 19 The Love, Mercy, and Justice of God

March 26 To Be Forgiven

April 2 To Forgive Others

April 9 The Ministry of Reconciliation

Dinner of soup, salad and bread begins at 5:00 PM. Your donations are welcome.

This course is led by Fr. Bill.

Earlier Event: March 4
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Later Event: March 24
Blood Drive