Walk with Jesus to Easter

The Rev. Bill Breedlove and the Rev. George Choyce celebrate Eucharist during The Great Vigil of Easter.


Walk with Jesus to Easter

            Over the centuries the Easter story has given birth to beautiful and moving liturgies to help Christians enter into Jesus’ last days. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church invites you to a variety of special services Wednesday through Saturday night as we journey with Christ. The full Holy Week schedule of services beginning with Palm Sunday April 14 through Easter Sunday can be found on the church website at www.goodshepherdhayesville.org.

            On Wednesday April 17 at 11:00a.m. Holy Eucharist is focused on Generational Healing in which we bring all our family generations into the cleansing spirit of Holy Week. Our families, with all their gifts and woundedness, will be offered at the altar for blessing and healing. Individual prayer will also be available.

            Thursday at 7p.m. we observe Maundy Thursday, when Jesus gave the new commandment (mande) “That we should love one another as he first loved us.” The demonstration of self-giving is the washing of feet. Following Holy Communion, the church is stripped of all decoration just as Jesus was stripped of his garments before his crucifixion. All candles and lamps are extinguished, symbolizing the darkness of the world without God.

            At the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus agonized in prayer, and asked his disciples, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” Throughout Thursday night we are invited to come to “the garden” in the side chapel for quiet prayer and meditation in preparation for the events of Good Friday. The official watch ends with Stations of the Cross at 7a.m. Friday morning.

            Noon on Friday brings the second of this complex series of rites which cover the Three Sacred Days of our redemption. We hear the account in Holy Scripture of the Lord’s trial, suffering, and death. A large cross is borne into the center of the church where all have an opportunity to pray before the cross and add our nail at its foot. Following Holy Communion (from the Sacrament consecrated the previous night), we leave the church in silence or proceed to the Parish Hall for Hot Cross Buns.

            Friday night’s offering is the film “God on Trial,” shown at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz during World War II put God on trial in absentia for abandoning the Jewish people. The subject content of this 86 minute film is for mature audiences. There will be no discussion.

            The Great Vigil of Easter begins Saturday night at 7p.m. It is a memorable enactment of the theological center of the Christian faith and life. It begins with the words, “Dear friends in Christ: On this most holy night, in which our Lord Jesus passed over from death to life, the Church invites her members, dispersed throughout the world, to gather in vigil and prayer. For this is the Passover of the Lord, in which, by hearing his Word and celebrating his Sacraments, we share in his victory over death.”

            This ancient and beautiful liturgy moves us from darkness into light. It begins with the lighting of the Paschal candle with a spark generated the Native American way by member Darry Wood. Beginning with the story of creation, an additional candle is lit with each reading of the Hebrew scriptures until we reach the Good News of the New Testament when full light is restored. As we renew our baptismal vows, the first Holy Eucharist of Easter is joyfully celebrated.

            Of course, the traditional Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday services are offered to all at 8a.m. and 10:45a.m., but we hope you will explore these lesser-known opportunities to participate in the life of Christ as part of your own spiritual journey. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive, one mile east of Hayesville on Highway 64.

Easter Cantata is April 13

Easter Cantata is April 13 in Hayesville

Sandy Benson


The Easter story unfolds Saturday, April 13 at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville. Everyone is invited to the Easter cantata, “What Love Is This?” sung by the Chancel Choir at 6:30 p.m.


Choral pieces, alternated with narration, bring the Easter story to life as the cantata moves from Jesus’ jubilant donkey ride through the streets of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through the momentous days of Holy Week – the Last Supper, the dark night at Gethsemane, the crucifixion and the bleak time following – to the triumph of the Resurrection.


The musical collaboration between renowned composers Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Brad Nix, Marty Parks, and Larry Shackley, ranges from festive to meditative, reflecting the highs and lows of that timeless week.


“Bring your heart, soul and spirit to the Easter Cantata and feel the music lift you up into praise of our beautiful Lord and Savior, Jesus,” invites Keith Christensen, choir director. “Feel in this beautiful music His journey to the cross and His resurrection to save us.”


The concert will be followed by a small reception in the Parish Hall. Proceeds from a free-will donation will go to the Hurlburt Johnson Friendship House in Murphy. The shelter provides a safe housing environment and supportive services for the homeless and vulnerable and is the only one of its kind within a hundred-mile radius.


Good Shepherd is located at 495 Herbert Hills Dr. in Hayesville. For more information about the concert or other programs and activities, please visit Good Shepherd’s website, www.goodshepherdhayesville.org or call 828-389-3397.


Pancake Supper

                Gather your family and friends to enjoy the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, Tuesday, March 5, 5-7 p.m., at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville.

                The menu features real, from-scratch pancakes made with fresh eggs, buttermilk, butter, and special flour. There will also be local Bitter Creek extra lean handmade sausage, warm maple syrup, apple sauce, orange juice, coffee and tea. Gluten free pancakes on request. The price is $6.00 for ages 12 and older, $3.00 for 11 and younger. The event is sponsored by the young men of the Order of Saint George, and all proceeds will go to children's and youth ministries.

                The tradition of eating pancakes on the day before Lent begins started in the Middle Ages and is still observed throughout the Christian world. Pancakes were cooked in order to clear the larder of milk, fat, and meat on the day before Ash Wednesday, when fasting began.

                Good Shepherd, where parishioners are friendly and welcoming, is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive, about one mile east of Walgreens Drugs. For details about the many programs available at the church, see the website: www.goodshepherdhayesville.org.

Christmas Season at Good Shepherd

                Good Shepherd Episcopal Church invites you to enter with us into the holy space of Christmas through a variety of events, beginning with a Blue Christmas Service on Friday December 21st. We chose that darkest day of the year to acknowledge that Christmas is not always a joyful occasion for everyone. The service starts at 11a.m. on the 21st in a quiet liturgy that recognizes that in this season we grieve the absence of loved ones.  We sorrow over failing health.  We weep for what has been and for what might have been.  And so we gather to hear and remember God’s message of hope and to be fed by the Lord’s supper that the love and light of God may scatter the darkness before us.  Following the service we will be fed by a simple lunch to which all are welcome.

                On Saturday December 22 at 6:30 p.m. the community is invited to a Christmas Concert and Carol Sing with the Chancel Choir, under the direction of Keith Christensen. Bring a can of food or dry goods for Matt’s Ministry as your price of admission. Cookies and hot beverages will be shared at intermission followed by carol singing accompanied by pianist Carol Smucker. Leave for home with carols dancing in your head and a bag of cookies in your hand!

                Continue the celebration of Christmas with us through three Christmas worship services. On Christmas Eve, join us for the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve family-friendly service of Holy Eucharist, or come at 11 p.m. for the beautiful midnight Eucharist with candles, music and choir. On Christmas morning, celebrate Jesus’ birth with Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m.

                All are welcome. Good Shepherd is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive east of Hayesville, NC. For more information visit www.goodshepherdhayesville.org or call 828-389-3397.