“Boldly engaging the world as God’s shepherds, sharing God’s blessings and creating Heaven on Earth one person at a time.”
Vision Statement, adopted 2015
What does this mean for Good Shepherd?
Good Shepherd has had several mission statements over the years, but a vision statement has not shared a prominent role. By definition, a mission statement concentrates on the present (i.e. we at Good Shepherd are called to "share God's love and Christ's healing light to all" every day). It's the essence of who we are as a church. The vision statement focuses on the future. It is meant to be a source of inspiration and motivation. It not only describes the future of Good Shepherd, but states a bold effort to change our community and the world through our actions - or bring God's kingdom to earth "one person at a time." The vision statement is Good Shepherd's invitation to participate boldly and actively, individually and collectively, in our hope for the future by what we do now.
In 2014 we developed a Strategic Plan that capitalizes on Good Shepherd's strengths and energies of community building, serving others, and spirituality. Based on the recommendations of the strategic planning committee we will be focusing on (1) becoming better known in the community, (2) building more relationships with other community organizations, and (3) being a community resource.
All ministries have been encouraged and challenged to develop creative ways they can enhance what their ministry is doing now to support these goals. All of the three action areas are a means of supporting the vision of (1) boldly engaging the community and the world as God's shepherds by finding ways we can love and help one another, (2) sharing our blessings wit others and each other, and (3) by being God's shepherds, creating a Heaven on Earth where people may feel welcome and safe, and find a 'kingdom' that's more loving and peaceful; and a place to honor and seek the true love of God.
A few examples of what we have done, are doing now and will be doing in the future that supports both the Strategic Plan and our vision:
- Engaging the world as God's Shepherds: Youth Trip to Jamaica, India Mission Trips, upcoming Mission Trip to Honduras, Punkin' Chunkin' water, Matt's Ministry support, Racism Conference, Worship and Healing Services; welcoming and feeding the needy (hot dogs for Food Pantry clients).
- Sharing God's blessings: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppers, Country Fare, Sharing Christmas, playground, Wellness Workshops, Parade of Tables and Silent Auction; Stamping Classes; Exercise Classes; Outreach
- Creating Heaven on Earth: Prayer Gardens, Therapy dogs, Healing Ministries, Food Pantry support, Drive-through Ashes, Elder Luncheons, Children's Nursery and Worship Space, Adult Spiritual Formation Classes