Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville will observe the season of Lent with three services on Ash Wednesday, February 18, plus a series of Lenten suppers and classes to be taught by the Rector, Father Bill Breedlove. Everyone in the community is invited to participate.
On Ash Wednesday, Father Bill says, “We will again take blessed ashes out of the church into the world for those whose work or school schedules keep them from attending either the noon or 7:00 p.m. services that day. Please join us at 7:00 a.m. in the courtyard if you are in that former category.”
In addition to the services on Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent, parishioners and anyone else who is interested will gather on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. for a simple supper and a series of teachings on what Father Bill describes as the “Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell.” The first of these talks will take place on February 25. Father Bill encourages those who might have slipped in their faith journey to reconnect with God this Lent. He invites everyone “to come and see, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.”
The word “Lent” derives its meaning from an Anglo-Saxon word that means lengthening: the season of Lent occurs at a time of year when the days are growing longer. It is also the time of year in which the Light that has come into the darkness is made manifest in the Passion of Jesus Christ and Christians are preparing to receive that Light anew on Easter Sunday. The themes of Lent are penitential, and ashes are imposed on the first day of Lent for those who desire an outward expression of their inward penitence.
Good Shepherd is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive, about a mile east of Walgreens. To learn more about the church's services and programs, see the website: