For years health-conscious people tried to avoid as much fat as possible, but today's nutritionists tell us that certain fats are actually beneficial. When Good Shepherd Episcopal Church presents its last Wellness Seminar on Saturday August 15 from 10 until 12, Sharon O'Dell, RN, will explain which fats are really good for us and how much our diets should include. Everyone is encouraged to attend the free workshop.
Topics will include the much-debated cholesterol: What does it do in the body? What does the newest cholesterol testing tell us? What does a new look at research tell us about the underlying cause of heart disease? What is rarely discussed about statins? The discussion will also focus on fats: What does the latest research tell us about polyunsaturated vegetable oils and about adding good saturated fats back into our diet? Which fats are best for us and how much should our diet include? (Spoiler: Sharon says about eggs, “Yummy! Eat them!”)
Sharon's experience and credentials make her a reliable source for dietary advice. She holds both BS and MEd degrees from East Texas State University and a BSN from the Medical College of Georgia. Her career included surgical nursing and post-anesthesia recovery. As an adjunct instructor at Athens Area Technical Institute, she taught in the Health Sciences Department. As a Master Gardener who grows much of her own food and a conscientious cook, she is keenly aware of the nutritional contents of various foods.
The series of nine Wellness Seminars at Good Shepherd resulted from Rector Bill Breedlove's belief that physical and relational wellness are a vital part of living the abundant life promised by Jesus.
The church is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive, just off Hwy. 64E about a mile from Walgreen's. For more information see the website: