“As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
It’s a new world. That is fundamentally the message of Easter. In the resurrection, Jesus is the victory of God and has established the reign of God in God’s new creation. The old creation has become the new creation and we along with it are made new. In the reading for the second Sunday of Easter, we hear that Jesus comes among his friends and speaks peace to them. Although the doors are closed and locked, Jesus shows them that there will be no place in the new creation where doors of any kind will be closed and locked to his presence. Then, in what some call John’s account of the Pentecost moment, he breathes the Holy Spirit onto them as he commissions them to do the work opening closed and locked doors and to carry the good news into the world.
In the summer of 2015, a group from Good Shepherd was so sent to work with the people at the LAMB Institute in Honduras. Speaking for the group, I think I am accurate in saying it was a transforming experience. How could it have been otherwise? “As the Father sent me, so I send you.” Something of the old will necessarily die, and something of the new will come to life. It is death and resurrection experienced in this life as part of God’s kingdom now present. Doors that are closed will be opened and new life will be found. This is true for us as well as for those we meet and those we serve.
A second mission team is now in formation for our February 4-11, 2017 return trip to Honduras. If you are interested in going, speak to the members of our first mission team to get a better idea of the joys and challenges of the experience: Susan Morgan, Jane Oliver, Amy and Gil Nicolson, Kanute Rarey, Suzi Herbert, and Jim Reynolds. A first meeting for all interested in learning more about the mission trip will be held in the undercroft on June 5 following the 10:45 service.
Grace, peace, and Easter blessings to you,
Fr Bill+